Ada Reserve Word Identification Function Authors: Mars Gralia and Jerry Kashtan, The Johns Hopkins University Date: 31 January 1986 Keywords: Ada reserved words, parser, token, tokenizer, syntax, hash Abstract: This package contains the single function "is_Ada_reserved_word". It returns with either a "true" or "false" to the statement "the input character string is a reserved word in the Ada language". The contribution of the function is that it executes very quickly, being an implementation of the algorithm defined by David Wolverton in "A Perfect Hash Function for Ada Reserved Words", as published in Ada Letter, July-August 1984. It is much faster than either linear or binary searches of all the Ada reserved words. A test driver is included, as is sample test data. Files: Prologue reserve.src Package, in "pager" format. Contains: reserve_word_hash_pkg_.ada Package spec reserve_word_hash_pkg.ada Package body driver.ada A test driver; terminal i/o test_go.txt Test data, Ada reserved words test_nogo.txt Test data, non-reserved words test_mixed.txt Test data, some of each This "advertisement" Approximate size (bytes): 3,378 reserve.src 21,551 2,000