K-11MAY86 FILT7 DQC4FILT7A COM.gFILT7A NEW0 v)FILT7.DOCO  !"#$%&'()*+,o-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN17\₄!ff8z gzGNP5:~~ۻ_b!Ry ww%R ?Ao\__j1x]xӣsI3M,bhnʨxS<`Ӊcd9C;l.kt.lMSvviʄw"d1/!>e @%f.G`Ո 4ed eT56M|Dsv9;&9˶Y>jwfA$||# 1$u,kI&%idI0hoU`g+Agİ*09;,>}wvGH#LL(3D!ˁ`y9Sc`Z!,\#%TyfB74eg01Oov%X'_ U3a\=/YMbS*1/3Sl4?w1gѹD|'12LJ*f%X{BS dSm0+퇉>g;8C^sU[tAdw$gG`PgJTũc ƻDҔ 1q7 Bς%1JZ6INĩ}ZU3vAO׸%~Arxw5n@~/H>5n@~_~FrxQFj4DaurCOVF`Ȃ́b^0Ӕta K$d N-I :S˯1tqsitp{ nI u@GH# OaRc(/;x@ c%ʔ!޸"+1 @$c(YuRO]0غiH E"`*PI@d 0jRLNȏ1NXv}ux#jqsWBL8g[ 'f`*1c(3ɖ_'G8 c,!Z!,8g6u)a& ^+1SƼUߛxHf c;B^'q$U3x0m#O͉bq?Χ5rJ%F\b(zp$`*q PΚ13P :yOVL%ubf!Rt{tD1xbC)[K~>y}8Ϸ^=mO7?b7w;!ff8 %5=eFILT A:HELLO.TXT 1) B>FILT HELLO.TXT A:NAME.NEW 2) 1) uses original name for new file, original now named .BAK 2) original file stays intact, new file has new name3:m Z!\  > !\8  >8 e!l >2|2 \<œ ++ SOURCE FILE NOT FOUND ++32 2 !"K !"M  <File exists - erase? (Y/N):  ʻ_Y  [Returning to CP/M]+    xž > >   ͏> > G!t ~ X˜:T ~˜:O :V :U > :W <2W :Q <2Q :W O:O F:V O2W > 2W >  ʇ ʇ z2W :Q 2Q >  @c2Q 2U 2V 2W .'ª:U /2U ;:V :U <2V :Q <2Q :W > b=2W b# t :R > 2S ,7O:S y }-> > *f #"f y*X #"X *Z #"Z *^ #"^ :P 3V> *` #"` *b #"b :P 3>-*j #"j :P 3> Å*r #"r *d #"d *l #"l *p #"p  ں |ı{0 :Q :P 32#~_P#~_A#~ > b*^ #"^ *\ #"\ :P 2 \ * ~#>*d : *d ͱ>  ̡ ̙ ̩*K *M }|!"M *K {z*I  ´*M "M Æ DISK FULL: OUTPUT#!"M *I *M #"M ~#  HH ++ ABORTED, OUTPUT FILE DELETED ++#2R ľ *d ͱ *M }r"K >bf\ <® CANNOT CLOSE OUTPUTî *d ͱ lines *h ͱ original spaces *n ͱ original tabs *l ͱ current spaces *p ͱ current tabs *^ ͱ form feeds :P 3m deletedx present *` ͱ high-order bits zeroed *Z ͱ imbedded control chars. deleted *f ͱ orphan LF's fixed *r ͱ trailing spaces deleted :P 3  *\ ͱ dot commands :P 2W retainedc deleted  *X ͱ soft CR's fixed *b ͱ soft hyphens fixed *j ͱ space breaks fixed : $3!\ >!]) >!\8  >8  !] > 3_ 1) Wordstar, normal files 2) Wordstar, w/dot commands 3) ASCII text files select:  ʼ 1ʼ 2ڳ 4ҳ 2P ü  $ :O  tabs (y/n):  _YN¼ 2T $$$ BAK BAKTOPIC : FILT7A filter program FROM : IRV HOFF W6FFC DATE : 11 MAY 86 When filtering WordStar files FILT7 was checking for unwanted control characters too soon, thus ignoring space breaks and soft-hyphens. The summary report then indicated none were found. That has been fixed with FILT7A. Evidently these characters are seldom used in WordStar files, as I had to make some special files to even test this feature. This would be verified to some extent by nobody calling this to our attention even though the program has been available for several years now. (WordStar uses 0Fh for space breaks and 1Fh for soft-hyphens.) - Irv Hoff