( 8 July 88 -- MFB ) on redefine ( 12 ' uslin base @ + b! ( max length of accepted string)) ( : using word drop atom ' uslin 1+ $! ' uslin 1+ dup dupb@ 1+ ( inr length byte ) swap 1- b! 20h swap b! ; ( this one gives leading space)) : using word drop atom ' uslin $! ; ( no leading space - DOS seems to accept this - makes definition of RELOAD easier) data[ 0 ] lenbyt ( temporary store when using SYS) : sys norm " COMMAND.COM\0\" ' pglin $! "\" ' pglin b! ( replace $! length byte with "\") ' uslin b@ lenbyt b! ( save original length ) 0 ' uslin b! dos ( no command tail wanted for command.com -- but ) ( we must save original inserted by USING ) lenbyt @ ' uslin b! ( put original back again) ; : edit norm " VED.COM\0\" ' pglin $! ( editor name) "\" ' pglin b! ( replace $! length byte with "\") dos ; : reload ' uslin load ; : redit edit reload ; off redefine