( 8 July 88 -- MFB ) The USING command has to be executed first in order to define the file being currently used: USING MYFILE.TXT EDIT The commands RELOAD and REDIT also use the name embedded by USING -- so that succesive edit/load/test/re-edit/re-load cycles will be as painless as possible. REDIT is the same as EDIT - except that it automatically executes RELOAD when the editor is exited. RELOAD is the same as FLOAD xxxx where xxxx is the name previously embedded by USING Provided the first use of FLOAD is preceded by a keyboard entered dummy definition : starthere ; ( TASK is alrady used elsewhere) Then FORGET can be automatically implemented during REDIT and RELOAD by starting the source file with: forget starthere : starthere ; ## WARNING ## be careful however that the word "starthere" is not one of your already debugged dictionary entries - otherwise they will be deleted. Use DDICT to check if you are in doubt.