FT767.1 yaesu ft-:767gx mods.. if you would like to get your ft-767 to transmitt anywhere that it will receive just remove the covers and look on he top board just below the shield ecovering the pc board99;)9:-53 a small white switch in the center of the radio swith this switch to the other position and it will oe xx now transmit anywhre.. remember that it is illegal to use outside the ham ban s... also if you want the ft-767 to transmitt out of the regular 2 meter freq then all you have to do is o go throught the initialization proce ss for installing the 2 meter module but insted of reseting with the ky in the manual.. power up the rig while holding the ?offset? ?3? key. the rig will tten rx and txoutside the regular ham band on 2. --(by wa4daz - rob) &...N0KGX...GENE