IC2GAT.1 OUT-OF-BAND TRANSMIT MOD FOR ICOM IC-2GAT HANDHELD 2M TRANSCEIVER (copied from packet radio; origin unknown:) Back side of display board: _____________________________________ | D505 \ | D507 D504 ___ \ | ___ ___ |___| \ | | |___| |___| \ -- + -- | D506 Q506 | | | _o_------ _o_ | hole for | |___| | |___| | on/off-vol | o o | o o | control | | | |__________________ | -----|<--------- | | add diode: 1N914 or equiv. | | | Connect diode between top lead of D506 and lower right lead of Q506 as shown. Notes: D506 may be absent. If not, remove it. Reset CPU if needed. --- A friend did this and his IC-2GAT can now transmit 138 to 178 MHz (no RF power output measurements were made). He did no retuning, and did not have to reset the CPU. He used a tiny axial-lead glass diode, replaced its leads with wire-wrap wire, and encased it in shrink-tube. The operation requires a super-tiny soldering iron. Observe CMOS soldering precautions: Unplug the iron and ground the tip before touching the circuit. Remember: Except for MARS and CAP, it is illegal to transmit outside the ham bands with non-type-approved equipment.