IC2SAT.5 IC-2SAT OUT-OF-BAND TRANSMIT MOD -Remove the back cover as per instuctions on page 34 of your manual. - o ------------- : / : : / : ------------- o o -as indicated by the drawing one diode has to be added to complete the modification -Beside the lower right corner of the Main IC, there are 3 chip resistors. Just to the right of the resistors, you can see 3 silk screened dots surrounded by a portion of a rectangle where a factory diode package would have been. The new diode (1N914 or whatever you care to use) is placed with the cathode (band) to the top dot and anode to the lower left dot. -This completes the mod. The HT will now transmit throughout the 150-160 MHz range. I have completed this mod and on my 2SAT and it and it works well. The components are very small and the soldering has to be precise, BE CAREFUL!!! Thanks to KE4NS, VE3MF and N5EPR 73 Don.....VE3COE