PK232.18 Then Clark, W9CD made the mo- dification and was pleased with the results. Consequently, I bought from Radio Shack 6 each 1 MF tantalum capacitors ("condensers" to Old Timers), and mounted them on the bottom of the board, with the shortest possible leads in the positions described above. The results are OUTSTANDING!!! RTTY signals I could not copy before are now perfect copy, even when you can barely see the traces on the scope. ARQ links, which could not be made be- fore, now flow smoothly. The only thing I don't know if the mod will work if the latest version of the PK232 firmware upgrade is not installed, but I would think that it will. Give it a try and you will be pleasantly surpri- sed. 73 AND GL de John, TG9VT! ............. P.S.: The part number for the referenced capacitors is: Radio Shack # 272-1434, 1 MFD 35 Volts (Tantalum). Cost $ .59 each. ******* The above message was edited and re-typed for PACKET by K4ON ****** RELAYED BY...N0KGX...GENE