FILE NAME: PRO2006.001 @ VE3EUK REQMOD To enable the Radio Shack PRO-2006 scanner to monitor the cellular phone frequencies (870.030-879.360 System A Base) (880.650-889.980 System B Base) and the actual mobile telephone frequency (825.030-834.360 System A Mobile) and (835.650-844.980 System B Mobile) do the following: 1. Remove the top cover only. It is held by the 2 screws on back. 2. Looking behind the metal plate covering the front panel, look at your left top corner. You will see 2 glass diodes sticking out of the PC board (PC-3). The one at the bottom is labeled D502. 3. Simply cut the lead on the diode (D502). Turn the radio on and program the limit search memories with the ranges indicated on top. The System A and B Base are the ones to listen to. The reason is that you'll be able to hear both sides of the conversation. If you try listening the Mobile signal, you'll only hear the signal being sent out by the actual phone. Also the signal on the cellular phone is only a measly 4 watts. This mod is so simple, you can do it in less than 3 minutes. Only a small cutting plier is needed, as well as the screwdriver. This information is intended for BBS users outside the USA. Since the US has a really dumb law called the E.C.P.A (Electronics Communications Privacy Act), it basically prohibits listening in on a variety of radio signals which are not intended to be listened by the general public and has been deliberately encoded, scrambled, or just deliberately used to ensure privacy. So, if you live in the US, don't do this mod. 73's Ramon (WP4XQ@WP4XQ.PR.USA.NA)