TAPR1.1 DEMODULATOR SIDE MODIFICATION: 1. HOW: Change U4 from a TL084 to a TLC274 op-amp. Replace D2 (1N4148) with a germanium diode (Bvr > 15 volts) or if not available with a 1N3600 silicon diode. WHY: Noise margin. The data slicer output is extremely dirty. An increase in noise margin represents improved bit recovery performance. The TLC274 can pull its output nearly to ground, the TL084 cannot. This becomes important in U4A, where the op-amp is used as a schmitt-trigger comparator (data slicer). The op-amp output drives a digital input to ground through diode D2. D2, a 1N4148, adds 0.9 volts offset from ground, and a TL084 will add from 0.5 to 0.8 volts to this offset. Since a 74HCxx series part must see less than 1.4 volts (VCC=5.0 v) to sense a logic 0, the resulting noise margin may be as low as 1.4-(0.8+0.9)= -0.3 volts. This will cause bit recovery errors and intermittent dropout of DCD (i.e. many retries) With the TLC274 and 1N3600, noise margin is 1.4-(0.05+0.6)= 0.75 volts - much better-. Germanium diodes, now somewhat rare, add only 0.35 volts offset and will boost noise margin even further to about 1.0 volts. A trade off is that the TL084 slew rate is twice as fast as the TLC274, making it a faster comparator. However, increased noise margin seems to be the critical item in my modem. CONTINUED IN TAPR1.2