SHOWERS.TXT List of meteor showers for 1988. Columns give Name of Shower, Date of peak activity, and Time when radiant is highest in night sky on the day of peak activity. Meteor showers are usually visible a few days before and after date of peak activity. The time of highest radiant is given in Local Mean Time (LMT), not in Civil (Clock) Time. To convert to Civil Time (CT) do the following: If Daylight Saving Time is in effect, add 1 hour. Add 4 minutes for each degree of Longitude you are WEST of your time zone meridian (Eastern - 75, Central - 90, Mountain - 105, Pacific - 120) OR Subtract 4 minutes for each degree of Longitude you are EAST of your time zome meridian. Times are to an accuracy of about plus or minus 5 minutes. NAME DATE TIME Quadrantids Jan 4 05:40 Lyrids Apr 21 03:35 Eta Aquarids May 4 03:10 Delta Aquarids Jul 28 02:15 Perseids Aug 12 03:25 Orionids Oct 20 04:30 Taurids Nov 2 00:35 Leonids Nov 17 05:15 Geminids Dec 13 01:55 ..