This file contains the information needed to make your questionnaire. The following commands are available in column 1: ! Output the rest of the line and wait for an input @ Output the rest of the line and send a crlf & Same as '@' without the terminal crlf $ Outputs a '?' and waits for an input % Output crlf Y || y Output the rest of the line and set FLAG true if response is a Y or y N || n Output the rest of the line and set FLAG true if response is an N or n { Start conditional statements ( execute the following lines if FLAG is equal to true } End conditional statements / Exit questionnaire - Normally used as a conditional statement An example of a questionnaire is as follows: @XBBS QUESTIONNAIRE NDo you want to continue the questionnaire (y/n) { / } !Input your full name !Input your home telephone number !Input your work telephone number &Input your full address ( 5 lines available ) $ $ $ $ $ !Input your profession @Thank you for answering my questionnaire You may use the above example as your questionnaire. The file that you generate is called question.bbs and is located in the same directory as the rest of the .bbs files. The file that is generated by the bbs software ( the answers to the questionnaire ) is called answer.bbs and is located in the same directory as question.bbs. Sandy